
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Post #2

Post No.2

Hi guys,

first of all I'd like to thank everyone who reads what goes around in my mind.
This is my second Blog post EVER and I'm still trying to get the hang of how it really works and how to do it in a way that YOU guys like it and find it interesting, hence keep reading!

I just added a subscribe option to  my blog so that each and everyone can now get updates on mew content via email. Isn't that phantastic!?!

Ok now!

What braught me to actually creating a blog and me wanting to share my stuff with you?

I do read blogs every now and again for all kinds of stuff and I like that there are so many people out there who have done what I like to do and these people are keen to give away all their information and tell the world about their experiences.


It not only for free but it's also more often than not really inspiring to see people do amazing things like travelling the world or climbing Mount Everest and so on. So by reading those amazing experiences you can kind of jump in their shoes and relive the stuff they have done. GREAT !

 Now we (Alex my girlfriend and myself) dream about being an inspiration to people as well.

For starters we managed to stay together after being a couple for only three months before I left Germany for Australia.
So I've been in Australia and Alex was back home in Germany. For a whole year!

So it's fair enough that most people back home thaught "ok Mayo and Alex are a couple for like three months, Mayo is gone "down under" and Alex is in Germany - of course it's not gonna last!!!"

Well that was about three years ago!  We now are TOGETHER in Australia, we are still a couple and are working together like a well greased machine if that makes sense ;)

After about a year in Australia I flew back home to see my family, friends and of course Alex!

We sold a lot of stuff back home, celebrated christmas and new years in Germany and came back to Sydney.

Together, as a couple, a team and best friends!

What we braught wih us was two backpacks and a truckload of hope that it would all work out well for us....

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